Thursday, December 29, 2011

Worst Comedians of all times?

 Worst Comedians of all times?, a pretty good site I might add, did a list of the worst comedians of our lifetime. Some of the folks on the list I completely agree with. Here are a few I wanted to comment on.
 14. Andrew Dice Clay:  I would have rated him higher on the list.  He might have worked during the 80s and 90s, but now it come across as an earlier version of the Cable Guy act.  Do you remember when he had that awful reality show that got cancelled? 
13.  Margaret Cho:  MC mentioned that she seems to keep bringing up her horrible time on her sitcom show All American Girl and hasn’t let it go.  She has slowly moved away from being funny to being downright annoying. 
12. Sinbad:  Well, he just disappeared from everything.  At one point, he was hot.  He had specials and movies everywhere.  Plus, he wore those strange and ugly pants.  What was up with that?  He even had a talk show.  I’ve seen someone disappear as fast as he did.
10.  Larry the Cable Guy:  You already know I hate this Mf’er.  I also hate that Cars 2 was centered on his character.  Words can’t express how much I hate this guy and his fan base.  Get’er shut up.
6.  Carlos Mencia:  Sure, he’s lost a lot weight, but he still sucks.  There was a time when he was red-hot too.  Remember, he had that TV show too. 
3. Kathy Griffin:  While I should hate her because of her many facelifts, I still like the fact she pisses off people on the left and right.  She pisses off reality stars and rich people alike.  This is the reason I like her.  She’s a better version of Joan Rivers. 
 Damn you, Sinbad, with your loud shirts and strange pants. 

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