Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Sinead O'Connor Divorces husband after 16 days

Sinead O'Connor Divorces husband after 16 days
From Reuters, (( Irish singer Sinead O'Connor has ended her fourth marriage after just 16 days, blaming pressure and disapproval from the family and friends of her new husband Barry Herridge. ))
Talk about a fast marriage, even Kim Kardashian's marriage lasted longer than this one.
If you will remember, O'Connor put out an online appeal for sex, because she was very horny. Barry answered the call and took one for the team. I guess that was enough for them to get married.
From Reuters, ((She added that she had decided to end the marriage, and said the couple had made a mistake "rushing into getting married" without being prepared for the consequences on his life. ))
Did I mention that this will be O'Connor's fourth marriage? Something tells me you probably should quit while you're still ahead.
Yes, there is something wrong with his head.  It looks like an alien from the first season of Star Trek.  I mean that head is huge.  I want to know the story behind that dome.  
However, Sinead actually looks better and healthier here than in some of those pictures before her marriage.  

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