Sunday, June 12, 2011

The 15 Worst Superhero Movies list (Part 2)

The 15 Worst Superhero Movies list (Part 2)

10. The Phantom

The Phantom:  Slam evil!  Billy Zane as the Phantom?  While it was interesting to set the movie as a period piece, but the plot just isn’t that good to begin with and the acting by Zane downright wooden.  I remember being disappointed with the movie when I watched it in the theater.  I’m not sure a guy running around in purple skin-tight underwear was a good idea for a 90s movie.  Everything about the movie seems by the numbers.  Bad decisions all around…

9.  The Spirit

The Spirit:  Someone told Frank Miller that he had the power and skill to direct.  The movie is a poor-man’s 300/Sin City.  From what I can tell, Will Eisner’s The Spirit is different than the movie version.  The movie is a complete mess with no one knowing what was going on in the movie.  Where as Sin City was shot amazingly with green/blue screen, this movie looks down right cheap with the effect.  Sam Jackson is way over the top for even Sam Jackson.  Miller again makes all his women characters evil or extremely sexed up for no reason.  This movie is stupid.  Avoid this movie at all cost. 

8.  Catwoman 

Catwoman:  This was one of my very first reviews for the blog back in 2005.  It seems they took the mystical aspects of Tim Burton’s Batman Returns origin of Catwoman and took it a few steps further with terrible results.  As a main villain, we get a Sharon Stone that owns a makeup company that is poisoning its costumers with face cream.  And with a director named Pitof you’re bound to go wrong with the project.  Fans heard rumors floating around of Stone being difficult to work with and that the studio fired the director, but kept his name on the project.  Halle Berry actually accepted the Golden Raspberry Award in person. 

7.  Ghost Rider

Ghost Rider: Nicholas Cage with a flaming head and chain, this is an every day for Cage.  This movie is pure cheese and bad movie making.  Bad writing and bad acting all around.  However, the movie made a lot of money and is getting a sequel/light reboot with Nick Cage returning.  Oh, joy. 

6.  Steel

Steel: Shaq acting is bad enough, but translating a 90s superhero from comic book to screen is downright brutal when it comes to Steel.  Given the history of the character of Steel, you would think they’d used some of that back-story.  However, they merely use a fraction of that stuff and replaced it with crap.  They also completely changed the Steel suit from the comic books to a suit that looks more bug-like.  They couldn’t even get the damn suit right.  Did I mention that Ray J is in the movie too?  What were they thinking when they cast Shaq?  Sure he looks the part, but he is and never was an actor. 



  1. I can smell the reek from here. Of these 5, The Phantom is the least offensive, but I can't defend it.

  2. there are bits to like in the Phantom.

    I just completed the list and left one glaring one off the list by accident. one starring Sly...
