Sunday, June 12, 2011

Killers (2010)

What happens when you mix Ashton Kutcher with Katherine Heigl?  You get a very stupid movie that is almost painful to watch whenever Heigl is on screen.  Before Knight and Day, this little film came out without screening it for the critics and for good reason.  It was a bad movie.  Killers is an awful film with some appalling acting and writing. 
Kutcher is an assassin for the government that they been assigned to kill some targets in France and Heigl happens to be vacationing in the same location and meets Kutcher for the first time.  They hit it off and get married.  The movie skips ahead three years and Kutcher is living a normal life.  However, that is when everyone in their life seems to be trying to kill them for 20 million bucks. 
To put it simply, this movie will not appeal to the romantic comedy fans that love Heigl’s movies, or will it fully appeal to action fans either.  The movie has some implied gruesome deaths and some they actually show on screen.  People get blown up, impaled, shot in the head, and run over by a car.  While I give them credit for not shying away from the deaths, you can’t fall back on poorly written cliché from romantic action movies.  There is no balance between the “funny” set pieces and the action ones. 
Heigl’s character spends the entire crying, yelling and arguing.  Heigl character has no redeemable qualities.  Then, they throw in a mindless pregnant subplot for Heigl to complain more about during the movie.  There is no reason to shoehorn this subplot into the story only to appeal to certain members of the female audience.  Heigl has the frustrated expression on her face the entire movie, and it’s that same expression that your girlfriend has when she’s pissed off at you.  Heigl has fallen a long way from Knocked Up and Under Siege II.
Ashton Kutcher is a block of tofu that someone has mistaken for an actor.  Kutcher attempts to charm us early in the movie with his James Bond impression, but it comes across rather bland.  He shares very little chemistry with Heigl. 
 Tom Selleck, who is okay in the movie, plays the demanding father to Heigl’s character.  Catherine O'Hara is the one-note alcoholic mother.  Selleck and O’Hara are better as a couple than the two leading people. 
The biggest issue with the movie is that it has a completely unbelievable notion that everyone in their suburban lives is a secret assassin out to kill them.  And, I mean everyone is out to kill Kutcher.  Then, there is a twist at the end that even M. Knight  Shyamalan would laugh at. 
Killers isn’t worth sitting through because of the terrible acting by both Heigl and Kutcher.  The writing is bad because of the far-fetched premise.  Don’t bother watching this movie only if you like hearing Heigl nagging and Kutcher attempting to be an action star.  Killers needs to be put into the ground.
Grade: D-

 Have Heigl, Will Complain.   
 Selleck:  “Damn it, where is Higgins at?”

 Ashton:  "Bruce gave me this shirt and glasses.  He said, 'since you're banging my wife, I guess you can have my shirt and glasses too' " 
 Heigl realizes why  Demi always wants “more”. 

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