Friday, June 10, 2011

The 15 Worst Superhero Movies list (Part 1)

MC and I talked about Shaq's retirement and the movie Steel and other superhero movies came up over at his blog.  So, I've been working on a Worst Superhero Movies list the whole week and I decided to post the first part.   Here it is...
15.  Batman Returns 
Batman Returns: Okay, this one really shouldn’t be on the list, but I can’t let Tim Burton off the hook for what he did to the franchise. When he did the first movie (Batman 89), there were people keeping him in check. Meaning, the movie was grounded in reality in a manner of speaking. Tim Burton filmed Batman 89 mostly on location and the city felt real. That all changed when WB let Burton do whatever without someone looking over his shoulder. Batman Returns is merely a shadow of the first film. Everything seems different and cheap. Gotham City seems like a completely different place with all the stage scenes. Batman seems to be an afterthought to Burton who was more interested in showing off his style and atmosphere than telling a compelling story. It just doesn’t feel or looks like a follow up to the first movie.
14.  Spider-Man 3
Spiderman 3: Okay, again not a bad movie, but it is a poorly constructed film to say the least. It seems the producers and director shoved a lot of story ideas together without really thinking of a clever way of making them all fit. Alone, there were at least three different movies that could have been told separately. This is the complete opposite of the Tim Burton thing, where the studio should’ve stayed away from interfering.  A dance number? 
13.  Hulk
Hulk: Okay, we all wanted a movie about the Hulk smashing things and getting all Hulk-ed out. We didn’t get that with this Ang Lee directed movie. It takes forever for the Hulk to show up. Instead we a psychological insight into what makes the Hulk tick. That is not my idea of fun. The psychological stuff should stay with Batman and not the rampaging Hulk. Instead, we also get giant mutant poodles and the Hulk hoping around like a little girl doing hopscotch. Marvel hated the movie as well and completely rebooted the next Hulk movie.
12.  Fantastic Four: The Rise Of The Silver Surfer
Fantastic Four: The Rise Of The Silver Surfer: I actually liked the first movie a great deal, but they screwed up the second movie completely. The movie should have been something on a grander scale, yet we get Mr. Fantastic dancing around in a club using his stretching powers. What a badly made movie. This is another franchise that received a reboot too.

11.  Blade Trinity

Blade Trinity:  Way to kill a franchise, David Goyer.  Goyer was responsible for writing the dark and rich background for the first Blade movie.  Goyer destroyed that franchise with his direction in the third film by turning the focus away from Blade to some new younger characters.  And, the movie turned from being dark to being goofy.  Everything about the movie was either bland or dim-witted.  There were three endings filmed and all of them were dreadful.  This movie killed the franchise and the fact the main star is currently in prison. 




  1. I am a little weird... I am OK with Blade Trinity. I don't love it, but I don't have a whole lot of hate for it either.

  2. I have a few friends that enjoy the movie and watch anytime is on TV. There are a few great moments here and there. But, Triple-H as a vampire?

    For me, it was the old DVD interview Goyer did for the first movie where he didn't want Blade to sell out or make it a PG-13 movie. Here was some years later doing exactly that himself as the director.

    The guy that helped create the franchise made sure to destroy it himself.

  3. I will sheepishly admit I enjoyed Ghost Rider, if only because I love Sam Elliot and didn't know anything about the Ghost Rider franchise and thought the concept was cool.

    As for Blade Trinity, the only thing going for it is that it stars one of my fav guys, Ryan Reynolds, and allows you to see his fabulous bod shirtless.

    I heartily agree with you on the rest though. Caught Batman Returns on TV the other day and couldn't believe how bad it is, esp when compared to the more recent Batman movies by Nolan.

  4. Ryan Reynolds seems to really be into the superhero comic book stuff. GL, Blade and X-Men.

    Batman Returns seems to be just an excuse for Tim Burton to work his strange Burton Land stuff into the franchise as he almost forgot it was a Batman movie. The first and second movies are so different it is hard to say they're in the same universe.
