Friday, September 24, 2010

Katy Perry Sesame Street controversy

Katy Perry Sesame Street controversy

Wow, some parents are calling this video controversial because of Katy Perry’s chest.  Did they even watch the same Sesame Street video I just watched?  Maybe I am wrong, but I saw nothing sexual about the video or Perry’s dress. 
Sesame Street producers caved in and took the Perry video off their show, but let it stream on Youtube.  From Reuters, ((But after a segment of the show appeared online on Monday Sesame Workshop, which produces the show, decided not to air it.
"In light of the feedback we've received on the Katy Perry music video which was released on YouTube only, we have decided we will not air the segment on the television broadcast of Sesame Street, which is aimed at preschoolers," the show said in a statement, adding it valued the opinions of viewers, particularly parents.))
Did these concerned parents watch her more adult music videos? I remember her California Gurls video has her floating in cotton candy clouds totally naked and she squirts whipped cream from her bra.  The video above is basically G-rated. 
Have we solved all problems in the world that that a modest dress is considered wrong? 


  1. I think if you look at past seasons of Sesame Street, I am sure you can find a lot of cleavage back there.

  2. Yeah, I think this blow up probably has to do with her higher profile and that certain people have an ax to grid with Perry
