Sunday, September 26, 2010

“epic failures in Science Fiction TV”

I wanted to add my remarks to some of the shows on the list.
FlashForward: Starting out the gate, I was really interested in the show.  Despite the fact Brannon Braga was involved, I gave the show a chance.  But, I started to lose interest as the show went on. 
Defying Gravity:  I have never heard anything about this show.  I’m surprised about that too, given the premise.   The trailers look absolutely horrible. How could they maintain a series premise like this over a couple of years?
Dinotopia:  I remember critics ripping this show and miniseries apart.  When it morphed into a TV show, it only lasted about six weeks.  What makes Steven Spielberg think his Terra Nova show change people’s feelings about a dinosaur show?  Terra Nova is already getting a lot of behind the scenes drama stories.  Did I mention the horrible writer Brannon Braga is involved? 
Journey Man:  Now, that sounds like a cross between Early Edition and Quantum Leap.  I’ve heard some good things about this show. 
Bionic Woman:  I never understood why someone thought it was a good idea to remake the old spinoff show, but not at least try to bring back the The Six Million Dollar Man the spinoff is based on.  The remake failed.  NBC is really becoming the FOX network of the new era. 
Knight Rider:  Do I really need to go through this one again?  The show was just plain bad.  And, it seemed NBC refused to let this failing show go.  Then, they very quietly pulled it off the schedule.  This was probably one of the reasons Zucker was fired.
Life on Mars:  I watched a few episodes here and there.  I enjoyed the concept, but really hated the way it ended.  The ending is so far left field that it even confused me.  The story ends literally ends on “Living on Mars”.


  1. Seek out the BBC version of Life on Mars. It is excellent... the ABC version was in most cases a pale imitation.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I will certainly try to get my hands on it when I get my Net-flicks back up and running.

    I remember reading your thoughts on both shows.
