Friday, September 24, 2010

Racist Joke?

Racist Joke? 
From Blog City Pages, ((Lake Crystal Tribune Editor Don Marben wrote a delightful anecdote about a golf course that replaced it's caddies with robots, only to find that their metal surfaces reflected sun in the golfers' eyes.
When golfers suggest painting the robots black, a course employee responds "We did. And four of 'em didn't show up for work, two filed for welfare, one robbed the pro shop, and the other thinks he's the president."))
Well, it was kind of racist, but I really only had a problem with the Obama jab.  In private, we have all tell these off color jokes before.  Most people that know me personally are aware that I make small jokes like this because people stereotype with race.  I do it out of preconceived notions of what white and black people think of each other. 
But, throwing an Obama jab into the criminal and lazy jokes is just little bit too wrong.  Say whatever you want about Obama, but don’t lump him in with criminals or lazy folk.  And, did this off color joke need to be in a newspaper?  


  1. See, instead of an Obama joke, I would have perhaps gone in this direction based on setting.

    "We did. And four of 'em didn't show up for work, two filed for welfare, one robbed the pro shop, and the other thinks he's Tiger Woods."

    "What, did it started playing golf?"

    "No, it banged a lot of slutty white women."

    I mean, really, that punchline writes itself.

  2. That actually works as a joke because it fits with the whole Golf thing. The Obama thing just seem random.

    It makes me wonder if the guy just pulled the joke out of his ass when he said it.
