Monday, September 27, 2010

Elisabeth Moss (AKA Peggy Olson from Mad Men) is a Scientologist ?

Elisabeth Moss (AKA Peggy Olson from Mad Men) is a Scientologist ?
I really like the progressive character of Peggy Olson in the great drama Mad Men. Moss has an unconventional look to her that I find attractive, plus her is really interesting to watch.
While going through some research into Scientology for my paper, Google had a recent story up there about Moss divorcing her husband SNL cast member Fred Armisen. Some people close to the couple say the split may have been over Moss's relationship to the Space Church, Scientology.
I always pegged (pun intended) the woman play Peggy to be a little sharper than being a member of group that believes in the Overlord Xenu. When is her next auditing session?

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