Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Random Things

 Random Things
~On a serious note, it has been a few months since my dog has passed away and I just feel empty and lonely. This is coming from a guy that spends most of his days away from human contact by choice. I spend most of my time far off riding my bike with no one around or writing for school or blogging. I'll somehow get through this bout of depression.
~Star Wars 3D: Uh, I want to see the Star Wars movies in 3D, but I am not sure starting out with your weakest film Episode One is a brilliant move on Lucas' part. This goes back to Lucas trying to shove the prequels down our throats even if we don't want to.
~Britney Spears music on Glee?: Unlike the other acts and music on Glee, does Britney deserve the same treatment as Madonna or even Lady Gaga? Is her music even that memorable? Like her popularity, her music just hasn't aged that well.
~Fox proves it again: They canceled a new show called Lone Star after two episodes. The show did receive a lot of critical props, but given the state of Network TV ratings, nothing is safe anymore. So, this isn't Fox's fault really, just the big four networks combined. They keep staying with the safe formula and thinking outside of it. They deserve it.   


  1. *hugs* Sorry for your loss. Furry friends are important and i bet you have a ton of great memories.
