Monday, September 27, 2010

Katy Perry’s Boobgate continues

Katy Perry’s Boobgate continues
Okay, I am starting to like Katy Perry now.  I never hated her as much as Gaga or anything.  She was just a pretty face and nice body to look at.  I neither hated nor liked her music.   But, I am starting to see the light (or cleavage) in her sense of humor.  She really seems to get the joke in this whole Sesame Street thing
She showed up on SNL in a very tight and revealing Elmo shirt and the skit loosely made fun of the “banned” Sesame Street skit. 
For now, until it gets taken down, you can watch the very bouncy skit on youtube below.
I haven’t watched SNL in a while, but I have to say I laughed at this bit a few times. 
Nicely done, Katy Perry. 
Must not say something tasteless...


  1. I'm calling shenanigans on the whole thing.

  2. I read your post and you might be correct, but would the Children's TV network agree with this?

    I do think Katy is milking this as much as possible, pun intended.
