Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Random Stuff

Random Stuff

~I got to say Katherine Heigl looks very good in this interview with David Letterman. I really like the darker hair. I'd take a dark haired woman over a blond any day.

~White Women's Workout: This comedy bit was great. Having a black guy chase you around might give you the prefect workout. I couldn't place the face until I realized I saw him on the awful Soul Plane movie. His name is Godfrey.

~I've been reading old comic books from the X-O Manowar series. A friend gave me his books and I've been reading thing from time to time. I'm not a huge fan of the series, but it does give you an insight into the direction comic books were going in the mid-90s. The series was set in the Valiant Comics universe. Like Image Comics, some Marvel people started the company. Like many Valiant characters, I really don't find myself cheering for the X-O Manowar. He's like an asshole version of Iron Man.

~Lindsay Lohan is now a proud owner of an alcohol-monitoring ankle bracelet. This is probably something the court should ordered a long time ago. She needs to have this bracelet on for at least two years. By the way, Lohan looks terrible in the court pictures. Man, she really needs to be place in a rehab home for years. Enjoy hat ankle brace, Lohan.

~Wii tennis with a TV screen: Something tells me that the Wii instructional manual did say that.

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