Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Orson Welles' last film as Unicron in Transformers the Movie.

Orson Welles' last film as Unicron in Transformers the Movie.

Part of me feels really bad that Transformers (86) was Orson Welles' last performance. However, I do remember the advertising people promoting the fact they had Welles in the movie. Despite the huge impact Unicron had on the story, Welles only has about 15 minutes of speaking time.

My faverite Unicron line has to be this one;

((Unicron: I have summoned you here for a purpose.
Megatron: Nobody summons Megatron.
Unicron: Then it pleases me to be the first. ))

Side note: Scatman Crothers (Jazz) also died after the release of the movie too.

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