Monday, May 24, 2010

Lost: The last episode: Some thoughts

Lost: The last episode

First off, I really enjoyed the last episode and I found myself teary-eyed at the end. This Finale was better than The Soprano finale. You won’t get all your answers, and actually it doesn’t answer many questions. But as a character study, I found the finale very fulfilling.

-I loved the last moment with Jack and Vincent. It was at that moment I got very teary-eyed when Vincent showed up and sat beside Jack in his final moments. Very nice moment…

- Frank Lapidus Lives!: I actually got very pleased that he survived the Submarine incident. The actor playing him straight lied about his character’s fate.

-The only huge problem I had with the finale is the handling of the Alt-Timeline/Sideways universe. I really wanted it to be a real universe.

-Airplane rescue: One great moment is when Lapidus brings the plane into the air.

-Jack vs. Smoke Monster: This was a great fight between the two. Smokey does pull a cheap shot by stabbing him in the side.

Overall, I wasn’t disappointed with the finale and I am pleased with the way it ended. Certain shows don’t get an ending. I just didn’t like the way they handled the Flash-sideways stuff. I’ll probably have more thoughts when I watch it again.


  1. I never watched Lost, but I had theorized that it was going to end with Sydney Bristow and Felicity waking up in L.A., having breakfast and discussing the dream each of them had that night. One dream would be the normal universe and one would have been the alternate.

  2. That would have been cool. I think they played around with a bit of Alt-reality in Felicity didn't they?
