Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Bringing the hassle in Hasselbeck

The only problem I have with this thing is; Why is this guy so happy? No man should be that happy with his shirt off. He should be pissed that he lost his shirt somewhere.


Elisabeth Hasselbeck, you're an idiot.

Hasselbeck made some stupid comments about Erin Andrews and her dresses while connecting them to the stalker incident. She claimed Andrews' outfits were too revealing. From Chicago Tribune, ((On Tuesday, Hasselbeck, complaining that Andrews' "Dancing" costumes were too skimpy, joked, "as inexcusable as it was for that horrific guy to go in and try to peep on her in her hotel room, I mean, in some way if I'm him, I'm like, ‘Man! I just could've waited 12 weeks and seen this — a little bit less — without the prison time!'" ))

Actually, I not so much offended by the stalker comment, but what was implied behind the comment. Hasselbeck's remark seems to hover on the conservative side and she attempted to wrap it up in the stupid stalker comment. Here's one woman bashing on the outfits of another woman. Sounds like sour grapes to me. Sounds like someone is a little jealous of Andrews' looks. It's like the two popular girls in school undercutting each other.

Because of her remark, Hasselbeck had to sheepishly apologize...while crying.

From Popeater, (("I said, 'Well, Grace, today Mommy hurt someone's feelings,'" Hasselbeck said, choking back tears. She explained to her daughter that "reckless words pierce someone's heart like a sword."
"She's so cute, she said to me, 'Mommy, why don't you just call Erin and tell her you're sorry?'" Hasselbeck said. "So, thankfully, I listened to her -- she's a wise little girl -- and I did. So, I'm really sorry, and I wanted to offer that publicly too, even though I did follow that advice." ))

Yes, she evoked her child into the apology. I hate when parents have to use their children into everything to soften the blow. “What will the kids think?” nonsense. I'm single and I can care less about your children. We're supposed to view Hasselbeck as a professional woman and the first thing she does in cry about “hurting someone's feelings”.

Yeah, the remark was a little stupid, but not that bad. Grow some balls...or not.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. that was a great read. It really does seem they all hate each other and there isn't much of a sisterhood there. I like these inside looks into things
