Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Random Things

Random Things

~Faisal Shahzad the guy behind the Bomb? : Hmmm, it is looking that way. Once again, this is an educated guy with a college degree attempting to do this. He got a BS at the University of Bridgeport, and he later earns a MBA from the same school. He needs public shaming for driving an Isuzu Trooper too. This guy was living the American Dream far better than I could and it still wasn't enough for him.

~Lost: So long Jin, Sun, Sayid and Frank Lapidus. Yep, they killed off four more characters in the last episode. MiB/Smoke Monster is a real asshole, but a smart one. Did anyone notice the Submarine theme from Medal of Honor showing up again this season every time the Sub was seen or mentioned. That was very clever.

~Worst videogame peripherals: I remember R.O.B. He was completely useless. What a waste of plasic. The power glove also made the list. It was Wii remote but in glove form. People were tying to say the Wii thing was new, but this came out a long time ago before the Wii. I have never heard of The Sega Activator. Looking up the Sega Activator, this is another version of the “Wii Fit”

~CEO Thomas Guerriero sends masturbation video to female employee. When will guys learn women aren't going to go gaga over videos with you masturbating. Now, men on the other hand will go nuts seeing a woman we know masturbating on video. By sending out the video, you give hard evidence that you sent out. Very stupid.


  1. I've been informed that Jay Leno had a small little jab at Conan on one of his recent shows.

    He was showing the fake Facebook page of the Times Square attempted bomber, and at the bottom, it said that aside from Al Quada and such, he was also on Team Coco.

    Classy. Real classy.

  2. Man, what a total passive aggressive dick Leno is. I hate these guys more than the actual assholes, because passive aggressive people try to wrap up their shit in roses.

    Leno really needs to retire.
