Saturday, April 10, 2010

Terry Crews Old Spice ads

Probably the best ad ever! The (new) Old Spice ads

I mean he break through the commercial and smashes a skyscraper.

Someone decided to bring character actor Terry Crews into the Old Spice mix. Tim & Eric (the ones from Adult Swim) directed the commercials. It has their mark all over it. The ads remind me of the classic ad campaign “Terry Tate: Office Linebacker”.

Anything that has an angry guy yelling at us with shit exploding is all right by me.

The other one is the Double Sun Power!!!!


  1. Is there anything Terry Crews can't make awesome?

  2. Yeah, he's great in pretty much everything he's in. I loved his role in Balls of Fury and The Longest yard

  3. He was the only good thing in White Chicks too.

  4. Right after this comment I saw him in Training Day. And, there is a interview with him on the Adam Collrolla network
