Friday, April 09, 2010

Tiger Woods Nike Commercial

Tiger Woods Nike ad? What the hell was that?

Wow, Nike, you are desperate to sell your overpriced shoes. Having a somber Tiger stare into my soul doesn't really connect me to your product. It just creeps me out. Okay, so he cheated on his wife, with many different women, but I don't under why Nike wants to remind people.

Did we need to hear the ghostly voice of his dead father to sell damn shoes? I wouldn't say this is an all time low for Nike, selling damn shoes for over 100 bucks is lower, but how about letting the scandal die out first. After all the sluts disappear from their 15 minutes of fame, people will start to forget his f'ups.

Tiger had this to say about the strange ad. NY Times, ((“I think it’s very apropos,” Woods said of the ad, which he seemed eager to talk about. “I think that’s what my dad would say. It’s amazing how it — how my dad can speak to me from different ways, even when he’s long gone. He’s still helping me.))

Okay, I guess so, Tiger.

The only good things to come out of this ad are the parodies that have popped up.

I like this version the best...

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