Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Random Thoughts

Random Thoughts

~It is scary to know that there are a lot of young people that have no idea who Carey Haim is. “Who's dis corey haim who died,” one twitter asked. And, that pretty much sums up all those younger crowds. How about looking up his name on Google? Wiki?

~ A new Battlestar Galactica spin off?: Sci-fi uh, the Syfy channel is really considering another spin off from the new BSG franchise . This time they're aiming for another Space Opera type of show. I'm not sure if I'm 100% on board with this decision. But it will be interesting to see where they can go with the show considering the new BSG seemed pretty final to me.

~Game Shows and old people: What is with old people and game shows? It seems the older you get the more judge and game shows you watch. Since Double Dare, I think haven't seen one in a long time. I've never under why it seems all old people enjoy game shows. That and mothballs.

~Senator John Edwards and his damn sex tape: Everything about this scandal is bad. Rielle Hunter seems to be getting some fame out of getting knocked up by a Senator. Now, there is a sex tape floating around. Where are all these famous sex tapes coming from? Is there a Sex Tape Fairy flying around? You're a Senator, but you're acting like a stupid 18 year old. What was he thinking?

~Speaking of sex scandal sluts, Ashley DuPree made the news again for catching her hair on fire...during a Playboy shoot. Playboy, talk about getting low hanging fruit. Usually, Playboy goes after those women that aren't as likely to take off their clothes, not ones that get paid to take them off.

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