Thursday, March 18, 2010

I hate Comment Spam

I hate Comment Spam

A while back, I was forced to do something I thought I’d never do. I had to turn on the “Word Confirmation” on my blog, because the spamming had gotten so out of hand that it was becoming a full time job deleting comment Spam. I really hated doing that, but it needed to be done. It is a real shame that Spammers make it a little less easy to leave comments.

When I put on the confirmation thingy on my site, it reduced my Comment Spam down to 5%.

Well, tonight I noticed an IP address belonging to Taiwan had left a comment on my site. I clicked my main page and noticed there were at least 20 posts littered with spamming Chinese Characters on it. That meant that someone actually had to type in the Word Confirmations into each post, and let the spambot do its thing.

I found this devotion to spamming my site both amazing and annoying. Someone actually took the time to type in the words. That usually means someone is getting paid to spam the blog instead of letting a bot do all the work.

I just deleted all of them, but it does piss me off that I have to still delete 20 spams because of this guy’s devotion to his spamming job. It only took me five minutes to get rid of the spam, so I’m not sure how effective his Spam Bomb really was.

This Blog from pretty much sums up why there might be a reason behind some of the Human-backed spambots.

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