Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Kirstie Alley’s Organic Liaison ("It's Bull@#$%)

Scientology: Organic Liaison

Kirstie Alley calls the OL connections to the Space Church “Bullshit”. Well, that sums up the actual church, but not the connections. Just because someone calls it Bullshit doesn't mean the accusations magically go away.

From Gawker, ((Alley scoffed at claims that the "top executives" of Organic Liaison are associated with Scientology: "Top executives? I'm the top executive!" Indeed you are, Alley, and you are a Scientologist. So is your accountant. So are at least two of the five members of Organic Liaison's advisory board. So is virtually everyone who lives or works within a 500 meter radius of Organic Liaison's headquarters in Clearwater, Fla., a town that your cult essentially commandeered on the orders of L. Ron Hubbard.))

I’ll give credit to Lt. Saavik for discussing the controversy, but she is seems to be lying through her teeth. It has been discussed in great length over here about the connections.

More reading.

Here's the A&E promo for her “reality show”.

The seems to be cast with wacky people, but it is certainly no Dog the Bounty Hunter. I felt annoyed just watching 2:40 of it, so I could imagine sitting through an hour of this thing.

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