Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Armed Robbery at Berlin Poker Tournament

Armed Robbery at Berlin Poker Tournament

I love how everyone rushes for the door, and no one grabs their chips. Then there's that awkward edit to already recorded footage. I think the actual robbery was better than watching a bunch of people play poker.

Below, you can see the actual robbers stealing the cash.

It looks like one dude tried to stop them and actually grabbed one of the robbers before the other robbers came back to help him. While the thieves seemed to have timed it to a “T”, the actual heist wasn't handled professionally. They left DNA and items all over the crime scene.

From the NY Times, ((In addition to four masked men, armed with guns and a machete, who made off with about 240,000 euros ($320,000) in cash after scuffling with security guards, the authorities are looking for an accomplice they suspect must have tipped off the gang that the money was briefly unsecured. ))

They'll probably get caught. All I want to know is did they finish the damn game?

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