Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Elinor Burkett: Kanye Moment

Have you ever had one of those Kanye moments?

Where’s the outrage that we saw for Kanye? Oh, yeah, Taylor Swift is more mainstream than Elinor Burkett and people aren’t going to Twitter or Facebook about it because of that.

Burkett tried to explain herself (from EW.com)

((“It’s ridiculous. I won an Oscar. Kanye West injected himself onto the stage where he didn’t belong. I don’t know why everyone is acting like I didn’t have the right to be there. My name was called, and I went up because because I won an Oscar. And that’s the only thing I kind of resent, is people acting like I didn’t get an Oscar. It’s really demeaning and denigrating to somebody who did all the work. The Producer’s Guild certified me as the producer. HBO certified me as the producer. There’s this assumption that [Roger] had more of a right to speak than I did. His Oscar is not bigger than my Oscar.” ))

Elinor, I’ll be the first to tell you that “No One” wants to see how big your “Oscar” is. Eww…

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