Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Lindsay Lohan is suing E-Trade (She must really need the money)

Lindsay Lohan is suing E-Trade (She must really need the money)

From NYPost, ((Lindsay Lohan is suing the financial company E-Trade, insisting that a boyfriend-stealing, "milkaholic" baby in its latest commercial -- who happens to be named Lindsay -- was modeled after her. And she wants $100 million for her pain and suffering, The Post has learned. ))

Wow, Lindsay, this one really takes the cake. I know you need the cash to fill you “habits”, but this is freaking desperate. Is that constant haze of smoke clouding your brain, Lohan?

So why does Lindsay think the ad was making fun of her? Here’s the best part.

From Nypost, ((Lohan's lawyer, Stephanie Ovadia, said the actress has the same single-name recognition as Oprah or Madonna.))

I’m sorry, but that is bullshit. Madonna and Oprah have a long body of work behind them that gives them the right to be recognized as a one-name person. On the other hand, you’ve only gotten kicked off Ugly Betty, done a movie that went to TV called Labor Pains, and had a few DUIs. I’m sorry, but you’re no Madonna.

I would love to see E-Trade sue the hell out of her.

Lindsey, it’s time to get back into rehab and start working on your acting chops again. Stop suing for stupid things and focus on helping yourself. There is a reason why no one will hire you for work.

When your next movie is only Machete in 2010, I guess it’s time sue.

What’s next Paris Hilton suing the city of Paris over her name?

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