Friday, January 01, 2010

Bret “The Hitman” Hart Returns to the WWE (WWF)

Bret “The Hitman” Hart Returns to the WWE (WWF)

From, ((This week on Monday Night Raw, five time WWE Champion and two time WCW Champion Bret "Hitman" Hart was announced as next week's special guest host.
Following more than a decade of ill-will and resentment harbored by Bret Hart as a result of the infamous Montreal Screw Job, WWE CEO Vince McMahon and the "Excellence of Execution" have apparently put troubled waters behind them.))

If you don’t know, Bret Hart and McMahon had a huge falling out back in the day. It ended with Bret hitting McMahon in the eye. It was called The Montreal Screwjob (You can read the interesting story here)

Well, it seems they've patched things up and here's hoping Bret has a storyline where he pays McMahon back for the “Screwjob”.

Side note: Strangely enough, Bret seems to be connected to Lonesome Dove franchise playing Luther Root in two series. ("Lonesome Dove: The Outlaw Years" and "Lonesome Dove: The Series" )

Side Note II: I found this amusing little note about Bret and it gave me a WTF moment: ((Was once "managed" by actor William Shatner, during Shatner's *very* brief stint with the WWF. )) When the hell did this happen? Shatner really?

Thoughts on the Screwjob


WCW after the incident


  1. And you realize that Bret Hart is doing his Guest Host stint the night that TNA's is doing its big play with Hulk Hogan to take on Raw this Monday Night.

    Yeah... what is more compelling television... Bret Hart being on the same show as HBK or Hulk Hogan leading a second rate show? Hmmm.... that's a tough one.

  2. Hulk Hogan on TNA or Bret Hart. Hmm, I really am hard pressed because I'd like to see the asshole Hogan try to redeem himself.

    However, Bret is a good guy and I'd like to see the highlights of that too.

  3. I haven't watched an entire episode of Raw in forever. Still, it was nice surprise to see Bret back in the WWE-even it if was just guest hosting.

  4. I need to find some clips from that show, but yeah I couldn't agree more.
