Friday, January 01, 2010

Random Stuff

Random Stuff

~Jon Gosselin vs Hailey Glassman: Why do I get the feeling that this is yet another way for Jon to keep his name in the press? Sure, his kind of dull-looking girlfriend is crazy enough to ransack his apartment, but we have to look at his own shitty history to see this might be a stunt to keep him in the limelight. He not only destroyed the very TV show that made him a reality star because of his ego, but he stole money out of a joint bank account. TLC put an injunction on his appearances and now this story comes out. Hmmm?

~Too Drunk to care?: I was at a New Year Party, yeah I still hate New Year Eve, and a couple came into the party late. The dude brought in a rather attractive chick with him. She was shit-face drunk. They took her to one of two bathrooms to throw-up, and they left her in the bathroom. She didn't come out of the bathroom for about 40 minutes. Someone went in to check on her. She was face down on the toilet bowl seat out cold. I saw it with my own eyes. When you fall asleep face-down in a toilet seat, it is time to make some serious changes to your life. If I can find a picture of this incident, I'll post it.

~Religious nuts are up in arms over Avatar: I'm really getting sick of hearing how offended these people are to certain things. They always accuse the left of being overly sensitive and PC, but these same people are always calling for boycotts when they see something they don't agree with. They also want EVERYONE to know they're offended. STFU, we don't care.


  1. I was slightly offended by Avatar, not because of any religious issues, but due to its heavy-handedness. Sure, the Na'vi were large, blue and had tails, but they were clearly (and unnecessarily) based on aboriginal humans. The plot was so predictable and uninteresting. Visually it was great, but everything else about it sucked.

  2. I can see your POV, and I can side with your point because James Cameron has been recycling plots and characters for years.

    The Main Marine guy is copy cat of all the Marine guys in every action Cameron movie.

    However, I'm a sucker for JC's work and I loved Avatar
