Thursday, December 31, 2009

Top 50 Bad Movies of the 2000s (11-20)

11. The Wicker Man (2006): “How did it get burned?” Nicolas Cage basically runs around the entire movie punching women in the face while wearing stupid outfits. I can’t believe a studio released this movie in its present form. Cage really needs to stop acting.

3000 Miles to Graceland
Want to know how stupid this movie is? Just look at the picture above.
12. 3000 Miles to Graceland: More like 3000 Miles to Shitland…I don’t know who to blame for this road/heist movie. This movie should have been a lay up with Russell and Kevin Costner in the movie. Instead, we get a confusing movie that comes across campy and stupid.

Swept Away
This is Lost without the Smoke Monster or good scripts
13. Swept Away: It is debatable if Madonna can sing, but what isn’t debatable is her acting is terrible. She’s always been a terrible actress, but continues to aim for an acting career. She married director/writer Guy Ritchie and forced him to make this cheap remake about an older woman being trapped on an island with a younger man. In the end, this movie damaged Ritchie’s directing career and proved that Madonna hasn’t gotten better with age. Madonna seems to be a cursed woman because look at the men she’s dated and look at the nosedive their careers have taken because of her. She seems to use men to boost her saggy career when it starts to dip.

Little Nicky
Breathing fire from your mouth might impress the chicks the first time. Just don't try and kiss them with that mouth
14. Little Nicky (2000): Adam Sandler went too far with this movie. Sandler was at the top of the world with the past hits. It seemed he got a little too arrogant and just painted this movie by the numbers. Some people will still defend this movie even today, but it stunk in my book. Some Sandler fans will still defend this movie today, but even they know in their hearts that this movie is a dud.

Hollywood Homicide
Look at Harrison Ford's expression here, you'll be seeing it the whole movie.
15 Hollywood Homicide: This movie seems to get overlooked all the time because of the countless crap that flooded the 2000s. Harrison Ford looks completely bored here. You can also throw in the terrible Josh Hartnett in the mix too. Master P hasn’t seen a bad movie didn’t want to star in. Really, what group was this movie aimed to? Don’t ask me how the director of the very good movie Dark Blue ended up with making this crap.

The Covenant

16 The Covenant: I hate, hate, and hate this movie. What happens if you let WB stars take over a movie? You get this Renny Harlin magic movie with guys walking around with their shirts off. Worst line: “Harry Potter can kiss my ass.” I really hate this movie. There is nothing entertaining about this lame PG13 movie.
BloodRayne17. BloodRayne: I just recently watched this Boll joint, and I have to say this movie looks like a five-year filmed it. Michael Madsen looks completely wasted, and you have to wonder who gave him a sword to begin with. Ben Kingsley proves once again that he loves being in bad movies, because he can’t help himself. Uwe Boll doesn’t care about the material enough to make a coherent story.

Biker Boyz
18. Biker Boyz: Think of this movie as the black version of Fast & Furious and it has some similarities to Torque, which came out the next year. Orlando Jones seems to attract bad scripts, and this was when Jones was in his prime. You know its street when the "boys" is spelled with a "z".

Basic Instinct 2
19. Basic Instinct 2 (2006): Did anyone want to see a completely naked Sharon Stone in this movie? Did anyone ask for a sequel to the first movie? Did anyone even watch this movie? Sharon Stone, you need to stop and start acting your age. This movie would have fit right in during the 90s, too bad it was released on 2006 instead. I remember Sharon Stone forcing this movie into production and then realizing no one wanted to see it.

20. Torque: This movie was one of those many Fast and Furious knockoffs that spawned around the same time. This time it is about motorcycles and thieves. At one point, a motorcycle turns into a CGI model. Did I mention there is a fight between two people using their bikes as weapons?


  1. I will do the unthinkable. I will defend Little Nicky. It is a better defined and executed concept than Billy Madison. There, I said it.

  2. It is does have a better story than Billy Madison, but I just feel Adam S felt like he could do no wrong and make a sub-par movie.

    But yeah, Billy Madison hasn't aged well at all.
