Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Joe Francis is a d-bag

Joe Francis (the guy that created Girls Gone Wild) is considering suing Gawker for naming him Douche Bag of the decade. Threatening to sue Gawker just simply proves that you are a major Douche Bag. However, keep in mind that he has countless accounts of criminal behavior.

And, best part is the douche bag letter he sent to Gawker. Read on,

((Hey Nick,

I am suing you tomorrow personally. You messed with the wrong guy. No one make up lies about me and gets away with it. I lost a 10 million dollar deal as a direct result of you calling me “a rapist”. You will be paying me every dime of that back and more! Are you mentally retarded? Do your research first. I am coming after you harder then I have ever went after anyone. I am going to wipe you off the grid!!!! YOU ARE DONE! I will take everything you have. You, Nick Denton, are truly the “Douche of the Decade” Merry Xmas IDIOT!!! Joe Francis P.S. I sent you an updated picture of how I actually look now so you can masturbate to it because you seem to be quite sexually obsessed with me.))

I'm sorry Joe, but you are the douche bag of the decade. While I give you credit for sticking a camera in front of a bunch of drunk girls, your actions have proven rather douche baggy though.

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