Monday, December 14, 2009

Star Wars: The Clone Wars (Review Part 1 of 2)

Star Wars: The Clone Wars (Review Part 1 of 2)

Like the Knight of the old Republic and this series, it goes to show that other talented people know how to create better Star Wars stories than even George Lucas. Lucas should take note, because SW: The Clone Wars has more character development than all his prequels combined. It certainly has more action than Episode I. It saddens me because this is how the prequels should have been written.

The CGI animated Clone Wars movie is set between Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. Portions of the animated cartoon series seem to have happened before this current storyline, because here we are introduced to a new character by the name of Ahsoka Tano. She is a very young Padawan learner under the command of Anakin Skywalker.

I’ll come out and say it; I like Ahsoka Tano. In a non-creepy way, I find her character appealing. This has something to do with the fact she is brash, but certainly chipper, while maintaining her smart-ass tone. To me, Ahsoka is a breath of fresh air to some of the wooden characters that Lucas has created over the years.

I know some people find her annoying, but I like her. She is the character Anakin should have been in Episode I. The writers certainly have written her better than young Anakin. Ashley Eckstein does a delightful job bringing Ahsoka to life. For me, she balances the annoying and chipper sides fairly well.

Actually, all the voice acting is top-notch. Christopher Lee stands out the most because his voice is extremely powerful. Lee almost sounds like Darth Vader in some scenes. I found Count Dooku more menacing here than in the other movies.

And comparing to the other films, the dialogue here is much better. It doesn’t seem as stiff and hokey as the stuff Lucas was churning out in his prequels. This probably has to do with the fact Lucas had very little to do with the story. There are some issues left over from the prequels, but I’ll get into those in the second part of the review.

End part 1

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