Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Chris Brown blows up his twitter

Hey, Chris Brown, STFU!

Chris Brown is like a bad wart or zit that won’t disappear no matter how much you try to ignore it. Chris Brown continues to contradict that he’s a changed man. Part of me wonders why Tiger Woods, who is only blamed for banging sluts and cheating on his wife, is getting more backlash than Chris Brown? Mr. Brown beat the living crap out of his girlfriend; Tiger Woods just cheated…a lot.

Now, it appears Chris Brown is tweeting angrily (Can something tweet with anger?). For the past couple of days, Chris Brown has been claiming that stores have been “blackballing” his new album.

From CNN, ((Over the weekend, Brown went on a tirade after he visited a Wal-Mart store in Connecticut and didn't see his album on shelves.

"The didnt even have my album in the back ... not on shelves, saw for myself," he tweeted.

Brown said he spoke to the manager, who had no answers.

"the manager told me that when there are new releases its mandatory to put em on the shelves. BUT NO SIGN OF #GRAFFITI. BS," he tweeted.))

This is problem I have with Mr. Brown. He has all this outrage for stores not stocking his albums because he feels they’re blacklisting him. Do you realize some people are going to feel that way about you because you pleaded guilty to the beating? You might have a point in thinking it is unfair for them to blacklist you, but you HAVE to understand why they feel that way.

Well, it looks like someone from his PR team has told him to shut down his stupid twitter account. I guess they had enough of his meltdown. From CNN, (("I WANNA THANK MY FANS FOR ALL THE SUPPORT," said Brown's final tweet, posted Monday afternoon. "I LOVE YALL. GOODBYE!!!!!!!!!!!!"))

I think Chris Brown needs to take a cue from Tiger Woods and disappear for a while.

What Chris Brown and his PR team does not understand is that you simply can’t sweep domestic violence under the rug and act like nothing happened. It takes years of treatment to get a handle of the problem. The photo of Rihanna proves that you have some anger issues. Without treatment, he could ‘lose it’ and do it again to another young lady.

Instead of blaming stores for blacklisting your album, you need to take some of the blame yourself.

These twitter tirades are probably more like the Chris Brown that Rihanna saw that night. If I had one thing positive to say about Twitter, I will say that it shows how some of these ‘stars’ really act.

Mr. Brown, you need to heed this advice. Stop doing interviews with your sky blue bowtie and sweater and stop making Twitter. Take a year off and just disappear for a while. Hang out with Ja-Rule.

Wal-Mart 1, micro-blogging 0

Side Note: Rolling Stone is stating that most Walmart stores are overstocked with Chris Brown's albums.

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