Sunday, December 13, 2009

Michael Jackson’s Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Part III (New Facts)

More Michael Jackson/Sonic 3 connections (With major new facts revealed)

(Before you read this post, make sure to read my coverage of the whole Sega/Michael Jackson story over the years here and here. But a big thanks has to go to Ojimbo)

I've gone through youtube and found some amazing remixes where people have remixed MJ songs with the Sonic 3 songs.

I will say this; It is time for Sega to admit that MJ did in fact write over 50% of the music in Sonic 3. And, I think it is a shame he doesn't get the credit for the music. Even today, everyone praises the music in Sonic 3. Now that MJ has passed away, how about admitting that, Sega?

Even keyboardist Brad Buxer, who worked with MJ over the years, has finally admitted that they worked on Sonic 3 and that some of their tracks were left in.

Here is the quote from Buxer, ((Buxer: I’ve never played the game so I do not know what tracks on which Michael and I have worked the developers have kept, but we did compose music for the game. Michael called me at the time for help on this project, and that’s what I did. And if he is not credited for composing the music, it’s because he was not happy with the result sound coming out of the console. At the time, game consoles did not allow an optimal sound reproduction, and Michael found it frustrating. He did not want to be associated with a product that devalued his music…))

Yes, this confirms it, but it should be noted that a certain Sega person does tell a completely different side of the story behind why MJ's name was removed from the game. The Sega person claims that it was because of the sexual harassment scandals. The scandal made Sega remove his name. It was not because MJ was dissatisfied with the “Optimal Sound Reproduction”. In my opinion, I think Buxer is trying to spin it away from the scandal and trying to help his late friend out. I think Sega got cold feet.

Besides, the Tiger Woods scandal should show everyone that companies are willing to drop anyone if there is a scandal going on.

((B&W: One of the surprising things in this soundtrack is that you can hear the chords from Stranger in Moscow, which is supposed to have been composed later…

Buxer: Yes, Michael and I had composed those chords for the game, and it has been used as base for Stranger in Moscow."))

Smooth Icecap

The baseline to the Ice Cap Zone song is clearly MJ's signature. To be fair, this remix uses Ice Cap Zone 2, and not really Ice Cap Zone 1. ICZ 2 has a stronger dance beat than ICZ 1 and the melodies are separated more in ICZ2. The re-mixer here did a good job speeding up the MJ vocals so that it matches the Sonic song. I love how he drops out the beat at the end. This is probably my favorite remix out of the bunch.

Thiller (Marble Garden Zone)

While it shouldn't work, it surprisingly does work. It is a bit jumbled, but you can hear the MJ baseline again.

You Rock My World (Sky Chase Zone)

Was this one of the tracks people believe is one of the MJ tracks? With the remix, it does have a uncanny resemblance to Rock My World.

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