Monday, July 13, 2009

Top Five Hate List

Don't ask her about Xenu.

5. Jon Gosselin: Enough is enough; this guy is getting too much booty. He’s a major dork and should have trouble getting laid. It’s a part of being a dork. However, his reality show fame has granted him an unlimited supply of chicks. What the heck? As MC stated, shouldn’t he be taking care of his eight children?

4. Those brown flying beetles: You know the ones that sneak into your house at night when you open the door. They’re big enough to make a thumping sound when they hit your lights. They get on your clothes or on a wall. They also die on your carpet. I hate these bugs.

3. Audra Shay: Who pooped in her soup? She has made many racist statements and she becomes the head of The Young Republicans?

2. Joe Jackson: Yeah, he's the father of the late Michael Jackson. Joe is considering creating a Jackson 3...with Michael Jackson's children. Joe, look at what you created with your children. He turned his family into a mess. Now, he's going to do it again with MJ's children. Your history speaks for itself. Keep Joe away from the children.

1. Katie Holmes: This lady apparently made the film crew in Melbourne, Australia sign an agreement that they wouldn't ask her about her 'religion' Scientology. This is pretty low. I guess without Tom around to monitor her they don't want her revealing anything about the space church. When was her last movie hit anyway? Batman Begins?

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