Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Jessica Simpson, what?

What the hell does this mean?

Jessica Simpson and some Romo guy finally broke up, but that's not what I'm interested in. It was her confusing 'Twitter' post that got me perplexed.

((By Sunday, Simpson was waxing philosophical about love. "Everyone needs to know that hope floats ... grab the strings and pull it back to you," she Tweeted. ))

Hope floats, so you grab the strings? Is she talking about balloons? Fishing? Is she talking about that Sandra Bullock movie with that Connick Jr. guy? Is hope floating away and you need to grab it back to you? I thought hope floating meant that it was a good thing.

My head hurts.

Something tells me that she got her metaphors crossed. Don't worry Captain Kirk did the same thing all the time on TOS, Jessica.

I haven't seen Hope Floats all the way through.

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