Friday, June 26, 2009

The Last Airbender Teaser Trailer (Teaser)

The Last Airbender Teaser Trailer (Teaser)

You know what? I actually like this trailer. I really like the last few seconds. That doesn’t mean the movie won’t be crap though.

Can M. Night Shyamalan even get enough butts into the seats after all the crap he’s been coming out with recently? The last movie was pure floating crap. Killer plant gas?

I would think he’d keep his damn name off the movie logo in order to give this movie a chance to make it. Is M. Night Shyamalan’s ego so big that he has to have it plastered over the logo? He’s no Spielberg or Lucas, and neither of them really have their names on the logos of their movie much.


  1. I don't know about this one. Couldn't they have thought of another name? Airbender is the dodgiest word ever.

    Plus I agree that sticking his name all over this project isn't going to make people run out to watch it.

  2. Yeah, he originally had Avatar, but James Cameron's movie took name and MKS could use it for legal reasons, but he should have picked a better name.

  3. i'm so anxious about this movie because i really do love the series soo much. Thanks for the post. i have been staying away from the news on it soo much that i had no idea the teaser was out.

  4. Yeah, there are probably many spoilers out there for this movie. There was a teenage girl in the transformers screening that was going crazy over the trailer for this movie. She was clapping and everything. I got a kick out it.

    I'm still a little worried about MNS doing the movie.
