Saturday, June 27, 2009

It is time for Perez Hilton to go away...

It is time for Perez Hilton to go away...(Read it here for the latest crap storm.)

Is this the year of Perez Hilton? No matter how much we want to forget him, he keeps popping up a like bad case of the bacon burps (those nasty burps you get when you eat bacon). Sometimes it is hard to keep up with all the spoiled antics.

-He found himself involved in that Carrie Prejean scandal, which he helped start.

-He somehow got his ass kicked by the wimpiest hip-hop group ever created called the Black Eyed Peas. Why don't you pick a feud with someone meaner like 50 Cent?

-GLAAD forced him to apologize. He, a gay man, had to apologize for a gay slur he made to guy that is apparently not gay, but this person had someone beat up Perez because he used the slur. Does any of this make sense?

-Somehow, twitter king John Mayer got involved in the feud. They tweet each other in a battle of tweets. (Now, I'm really getting confused)

-He's suing the manger for emotional distress. Wow, this is the type of lawsuit bloggers are supposed to make fun of.

-He later disses Michael Jackson calling it publicity stunt. And, everyone attacks him for it.

You can watch his rather silly response to the attack. He talks being a big boy and then proceeds to cry about it! Grow a pair, Perez. Then again this is a guy that wants to be an unofficial family member of Paris Hilton.

Somehow, instead of reporting news and rumors, which is what bloggers are supposed to be, he's becoming the news. He makes these foolish statements like he's a seven year old. He makes a complete ass of himself on national TV.

It is time for Perez take a long look in the mirror and find out why he acts this way. All this stuff has proven that he's mentally unstable. I'm sure if we looked in his past we'd see why. Look, I know MJ had a shady life, but to attack him in a uncaring post was just plain mean.

It looks like Mr. Hilton is seeing his twitter numbers go down as well.

Then there is the lawsuit. So you got your ass kicked, big deal. Get over it and move on.

Unfortunately, I don't think he'll disappear. He likes this stuff.

Make sure to read the Gawker post.

Dressed to depress.

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