Friday, June 26, 2009

Didn't know she was kind of one.

Hey, she believes in Xenu. has a great article on Five Newest Scientology Celebrity Recruits.

Some of them I knew about, but some are real shockers. Here a few worth noting.

Will Smith: I knew he was slowly becoming one. He started to make silly comments about marriage counseling. He also built a school based on L. Ron Hubbard’s teaching. We probably should have seen this one coming because he’s been fighting aliens for years now. (MIB and ID4) I’m starting to lose respect for the Fresh Prince. Hey, I even forgave him for Wild,Wild West.

Janeane Garofalo: This one is a total shock to me. I always saw Garofalo as being an atheist. She started to promote a flux science center called New York Rescue Workers Detoxification Project. I'm surprised she would get herself caught up in this mess. I've never been a fan of her, but this is really disappointing. (Video)

Sarah and Todd Palin: It seems they're connected to a certain famous Xenu lawyer, and they don't want anyone to know about it. This is pretty damming. If this got out to Christians around the country, she can kiss her run for president goodbye.

Side Note: Make sure to check out the new Scientology ads that are floating around the net and the TV. I think the Army recruiting people need to sue them for copying their style.


  1. Damn... they got Janeane too... is Mary Lynn Rajskub next?

  2. you have to wonder if they have their sights on her.
