Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Jay Leno stays with NBC, so does his chin

Jay Leno stays with NBC

While I’m no fan of Leno, it would be a stupid move to let Leno go to another network, and take his ratings with him. I still don’t find Mr. Leno that funny. He seems more like a good showman than a funnyman. I still think of Leno as the Doritos Guy. (Don’t worry we’ll make more.)

It always felt Leno wasn’t happy with the management team over at NBC, and it seems like they’re bending over backwards to make Leno happy. And, at the moment, I have to question some of the network’s decisions this year. This is one of them. Why give away their 10 PM hour spot away other than to save money?

I still think Leno should go back to being that Doritos Guy.

Who knew the youth of America was hyped about Jumping Jack Cheese?


The blue bag


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