Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Random Thoughts

Random Thoughts

~Good or bad, I'm done with this semester of classes. I'm still hopping I can pass my Arabic Language class and my Research Methods class. It feels like I've just flushed after a long and difficult dump, sorry that was a bad metaphor.

~I've been watching more and more episodes of Star Trek TNG lately. There are some problems with the show, but these are some well-written shows. There are some thoughtful high concept shows. Partly, this has something do with Ron Moore and Piller's influences.

~James Newton Howard and Hans Zimmer's Dark Knight score will be Eligible for the Oscars. This is good news to me. I rather enjoyed the score.

~Joe The Plumber had a falling out with McCain? He told Glenn Beck that he was angry with bank bait-out. I still can't believe people thought Joe could write a book let alone be on the campaign trail. Man, the McCain camp were really desperate. He hated McCain's decision yet he stayed on the trail with him.

~I don't know what I'm more shocked about, the fact Britney Spears' 'Circus' CD is number one on the damn charts or that she hasn't shaved her head or run over anyone yet. I miss the drunken Britney that went out with D-bag guy friends with bad facial hair cuts. I have to say she looks great though...

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