Monday, July 28, 2008

Random Stuff

The only reason to Watch those Scooby-Doo movies...

Random Stuff

~Punisher War Zone director pushed off the movie? While I still think they should have never rebooted the Punisher series, I’m open to watching another movie with the Punisher name (on DVD). But, news is coming out from Harry Knowles that Lionsgate has forced director Lexi Alexander off the movie. And, I can see the studio pushing her around given that she only has a few movies under her belt. This is not looking good folks, it's starting to smell like another Ghost Rider.

~We've come a long way racially, but now I read this story and this just sets us back a bit. Three white teenagers beat an illegal immigrant to death. The dead guy was Mexican and 25. They said racist things while the beat him to his death. These three are now going to be surrounded by minorities now in prison. That's not exactly what I call a smooth move there, folks.

~Whoa, hold on. There's going to be a Scooby Doo III and this time its a prequel? Didn't we see enough of Scooby Doo in the first two horrible movies. Great, now all I need to hear is that there's going to be a Garfield III and Stomp the Yard II.

~Shia LaBeouf: And, so begins the self-destruction of another young actor. The guy has found himself in a car accident with another car and he was drunk behind the wheel. With the Walgreens incident and this one, I’m seeing an ugly pattern forming here.

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