Monday, July 28, 2008

Save Hayden Panettiere

Funny Hayden Panettiere pictures at Comic Con

You better believe she can't stand it there. With that many out of shape geeks dressed in tight stupid outfits, you better believe the funk level was through the roof. I bet one of these guys even thought, “She'll dig me and give me her phone number when she sees me in this Flash outfit.”

I really feel bad for all the booth babes that have to endure all the close photos with these guys, brushing up their sweaty arms. You know these girls want to be in the club talking to the good-looking douche bag that won't respect them in the morning, instead of grinning in the photo with the guy that has the signed Frank Miller poster.

Brand new rule: Fanboys, going without a shower for a week will not get you laid with the booth babes dressed as Wonder Woman and Lara Croft.

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