Saturday, July 26, 2008

Mr. T Snickers commercial

That banned Snickers commercial with Mr. T (Banned in the UK)


Okay, as a human race we become too sensitive. I’m usually the one that sides on the reasons why words can be hurtful as well as images. But, this is just stupid. We’ve become so sensitive that we’re looking for things that aren’t even there.

Snickers pulled their ads because gay groups feel the ad was unsettling.

Link to story

((A new MR. T candy bar ad has been pulled from British TV screens after upsetting gay groups.

The actor shoots Snickers bars at a speed walker in the `Get Some Nuts' commercial, yelling, "You are a disgrace to the man race. It's time to run like a real man."))

Now, I might be wrong, but nowhere in the ad does it say the dude is a homosexual. It’s just a wimpy guy speed walking.

Is the gay rights group saying that homosexuals walk this way? Isn’t it stereotyping to even assume the guy is gay because he’s walking like that? He can’t just be a wimpy nerd that receives a candy bar beat down by Mr. T?

Snickers banned an ad with a guy shooting snickers at a speed walker. Are they serious? I figured the Association of Speed Walkers might have a problem with the ad, but this group? Believe me, this will probably be banned in the US too.

I personally love the ad. I can’t stop laughing. Here’s why…

~It’s a throwback to the A-Team, even down to the under-truck camera shot. Even the music sounds like the A-Team theme song.

~The Truck comes busting through a house out of nowhere. It magically jumps up into the air in slow motion.

~Mr. T has a Snicker rotating machine gun!

~He calls the guy “Speed Walker”.

What’s next Rave goers getting offended over that Pepsi Max ad


  1. Mr. T is the man and pulling the ad is stupid! I mean what year do we live in, last time I checked it was 2008 for pity sake.
    I just downloaded Mr. T’s voice from for my GPS and I love it. But my question is, am I meant to get offended every time I make a wrong turn and he calls me a fool or something? On that note, I also go Kim Cattrall from Navtones, can I claim she is sexually harassing me when she says, “Lets just pull over and get in the backseat, thats bigger enough for us two, or maybe three”?
    The Snickers ad is just an ad and with them pulling it, it’s probably getting more attention than it would have if it just came out. (Pun)
    “Get Some Nuts.”

  2. Agreed, the ad is now infamous and has probably received more attention than it was going to before hand, besides I can't stop laughing at the ad today.

  3. omg my local morning show called "Kevin & Bean" on KROQ FM radio just did this story this morning. They are soo far behind the news. WOW.
    I've been out of the loop but sheesh.
    I should have known that my fave lil Semaj would have the hookup for me.


  4. Thank you, Mayren.

    Though, I was a little behind even the news story too. But when I saw Mr. T and snickers, I jumped into action
