Thursday, July 03, 2008

Hancock (2008) Part 1 of 2

Hancock (2008) Part 1 of 2

This Will Smith movie is a mess. Portions of the movie are good while the second half becomes an unfunny jumbled action movie, and not in a good way.

First off, I am a big Will Smith fan and I believe he has come a long way from his “Parents Just Don’t Understand” roots. Will Smith does an incrible job with this character that we care for him even when he’s lost his way. One touching moment is when a little child give Hancock the child’s favorite toy because he believes in Handcock. Will says nothing during that exchange and it’s all played in the eyes.

So, I don’t think Will Smith is the problem here; it’s the story structure and some directional problems.

What ended up being interesting and very funny was the way Hancock acted during the early scenes in the story. He has total disregard for public safety and property. He cusses out little children and old women and derails trains. He slaps hot women on the asses while he’s hung over. He gets a chance to change his ways when Jason Bateman’s character shows up and wants to change Hancock’s image. It would have been far more entertaining if the story stuck to his redemption as a true superhero from being an asshole.

However, for some reason the story shifts completely from that idea into an origin story right at the middle. There really wasn’t any need for it at all. It felt like they decided to make a sequel, but they shoehorned this origin/sequel story into the script. It felt more like a Highlander moment in a few places and seemed out of place.

Hancock remodeling service

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