Thursday, July 03, 2008

An amusing Hellboy II spot

Nice little touch in the make with the Horns still not smoothed down after he regrew them and lost them again.

An amusing Hellboy II spot

Who would have thought that mixing the blow-hard James Lipton with Hellboy would have worked? Lipton has the best line in the end.

I really like how they’re marketing this movie by mixing him with other shows and characters. This is marketing done right, unlike the Love Guru.

The comment section in the Slash Film page also dug up some of the other Hellboy spots. Here are two of them

Chuck vs. Hellboy: This one is funny. Strangely enough, I just started watching the early episodes of Chuck right before this.

Special PSA from Hellboy: I half expected him to throw the cat.

I thought the first movie was entertaining, but the new one looks even better. I hope it lives up to the hype.


  1. That Actor's Studio bit was fantastic - booya! I'm really looking forward to the movie. Those demons look so similar to the ones in Pan's Labyrinth, pretty scary.

  2. there is also a commercial with hellboy and the scifi channel show ghosthunters. the marketing seems to be reaching out to just about anyone.


  3. PJ: I still need to rent Pans Lab. I haven't got around to seeing it. I love all the colorful monsters and creatures in the trailers.

    Paul: Okay, now you have me interested in finding that clip too.

    The marketing has been great. I'm not sure it will help it make money, but we'll see. (plus the positive buzz from early reviews)
