Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Major Boobage (south park ep)

Making of Major Boobage

I'm generally not a huge fan of South Park, but I do like some of the episodes they have. I loved the WOW, Imagination Land, and the Scientology episodes from the show. This time they've outdid themselves, they referenced the cult film Heavy Metal. They do such a wonderful job with recreating the feel of that movie, that they even added the film dust and the poorly drawn animation.

While Heavy Metal was never a good movie, I really dug it as a kid because of the nudity and the over the top violence. Now, I look at the movie and laugh at how stupid it was and still is.

However, the South Park guys did a fun homage to that film while also making a funny commentary on drug use and political scandals. Btw, the episode involves people getting high off of cat piss. (don't ask)

Brilliant episode. I'd tip my hat too these guys if I owned a hat.

Side Note: The Major Boobage girl in this movie is played by Internet pornstar Lisa Daniels. I'm guessing she was nude while doing the rotoscoping. (I couldn't find any non-nude pictures of her besides the one on her wiki page.)

Grade: B

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