Friday, July 04, 2008


Okay, I'd much prefer saggy jeans over those tight jeans those emo and hipsters wear all the time.

Cracked's 11 Celebrity Inspire Fads

They have some pretty good ones, and I've mentioned a few of them myself.

Make sure you read their list and try to remember if you wore any of these.

Saggy Jeans: Because I've lost a lot of weight, most of my clothes sag and are over sized. There are times when my clothes will slide down a bit, but I usually keep them up. I hate when guys wear them below their asses. But, I really don't mind when women do it.

Shoulder Pads: This is a trend I'm glad disappeared. Is wearing big shoulder pads supposed to make these women look powerful?

Gold Teeth: I'm sorry, when I see a woman with a gold tooth or grill, I'm going to look down on them. This is almost as bad as wearing your hat on crooked. Thug life indeed.

The Wallet Chain: I still see goofballs that wear these things. Strangely enough, most of the Playstation era Final Fantasy characters wore these chains too, but I'm not sure they had wallets.

Bicycle Shorts: I'm starting to show my age here, but I remember the girls that would wear these things to show off their figures. Some of the ladies had the body to pull it off, others not so much. I'm most people that sported these shorts hadn't been on a bike in years.

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