Tuesday, October 09, 2007

The Art of Snipes

Wesley Snipes is having some hard times

Every time I go to Blockbuster Videos, I see another one of his direct-to-video releases sitting on the “new release” shelf. I look at the poorly photo-shopped cover and shake my head. Mr. Snipes isn't exactly having a good time in his personal life either with all the legal problems he's having now. I feel bad for him.

He appears to be signed up for The Art of War II. As the writer stated in the link, why are they making a sequel to this movie?

Hey, he was the man in the Blade series, but I guess his ego got to him. I like the guy and hope he gets more mainstream jobs.

Interesting facts about Mr. Snipes from IMDB.com

He is a 5th degree black belt: I can believe it.

He appeared in Michael Jackson's Bad (1987) (V) music video. You can only see him in the full length, 16-minute, black & white/color music video. It is usually shortened down to just the color segment for television: A lot of people aren't aware that he was in the video. And, yes, there is a 16 minute version of the song,which is more like a short film.

Practices Capoeira, Brazilian martial arts: You can see him do some of the moves in his Blade movies.

Publicly blasted John Singleton for not casting him in the title role of the updated version of Shaft (2000). Snipes claims the film would have made twice its $60 million+ earnings had he been cast: Please tell me he didn't do this. Attacking Singleton for not casting him? I hate to say this, but Sam Jackson was the better choice.

Side Note: Who can forget his early role in the movie Wildcats with Goldie Hawn? Back when Hawn was attractive. I still remember that bath scene in Wildcats with her. That was an eye opening scene for a young boy like me.


  1. no matter what, you still have to admit, snipes is the man. im still overwhelmed by Blade.

  2. Absolutely, Blade 1 was an amazing film. That first fight in the dance club is still amazing. He was a total badass in that movie.
