Tuesday, October 09, 2007


69% Movie Freak

Well, I’m 69 % of a movie geek. What an interesting number for the computer to pick. I have to admit that I didn’t know many of the questions about the Godfather. Yes, I do try to make up movie quotes to try to impress the ladies.


  1. i am only 50% movie freak, i ow to your over freakiness.

    tho too many Godfather questions, not everyone watched all of them.

  2. Yeah, there were way too many, I wonder what was up with that. I think I got the goodfellas one wrong too and I love that movie.

  3. for shame you two. I think you need to work out your movie skills and put that percentage a bit in order to successfully review movies for the masses.

    go ahead, make your movie day...

  4. I need to do some studying. taking out my copy of Leonerd Part 6...

  5. damn it! I need to sharpen my movie skills
