Monday, October 08, 2007

Some Videos

Some Videos

Here's another Michael Gray music video: It is sort of a sequel to the Weekend video with that damn horny copy machine. This time half naked woman start to dance on a roof top. This one isn't as good as the first one.

Top that: Coming from the horrid spin-off of the Teen Wolf series, this clip from Teen Witch shows us that anyone can rap if they use magical powers. BTW, the girl 'rapping' is Mady Ingber. She appears to have her own site. She also went by the name Amanda Ingber.

So top that! I'd buy a rap album if she released it. Hey, you can learn how to workout with her at this site.

Senator Larry Craig, Really: I thought this was funny.

Strong Bad makes fun of those bad Web Comics: I love that he rips all those videogame comics a new one. Most of them are just plain bad.


  1. lol, I want to try his lens flare effects in my own Web Comic.

    He pretty much ripped all the famous ones too. I think he was making fun of Penny arcade.
