Monday, August 27, 2007

athletes and my foot...

As you are already aware, I really can’t stand some of the student athletes that are in some of my classes. I can’t stand their ‘I’m cool and I know it’ Attitude, plus many of the football players are not the brightest stars in the sky. Well as my luck would have it, I get teamed up with two football players for a small project. Me and two football players…

I’m sitting there trying to get them to talk about the damn project and what info they could come up with for it. Magically, all they managed to talk about was football practice and parties. I tried to get their dinosaur brains back on subject, but they couldn’t do it. Why couldn’t I have been teamed up with the hottest girls in the class?

You just don’t know how much I hate working with student athletes. Perhaps, I should bring it down to their level, like mentioning ESPN and athlete’s foot…slutty cheerleaders.

Looks like I’m going to have to come up with this project myself.


  1. you should always talk to the professor in situaions like this. Don't do their work for them.

  2. You're right, I should, but luckily the project isnt that big or important, but I do find it intersting that i randomily got put with them.

  3. i think it's a conspiracy from the cheerleaders you offended, but that could just be me. lol and i recently was put in a similar situation, but luckily the teacher graded individually and not on groups. good luck with all that


  4. lol, those sneaky cheerleaders. I still think their working with the Chinese government to bring me down.

    I really need to do a another post about the cheerleader, because there is a lot more I need to say about her and the scandal.

    I'm almost certain she's seen the post
