Monday, August 27, 2007



Mark (Marky) Wahlberg plays a military sniper that is double crossed by the very people he works for. Antoine Fuqua directs this very intense R-rated film. The action is very bloody and fast-paced. It would appear Fuqua came from the Bay school of camera movement, because each shot is constantly moving. However, I had no problem with that. While he’s no Tony Scott, Fuqua has always been a capable director. It is no different here either.

Shooter is a very good action movie with some great scenes. Marky-Mark does decent job of conveying a retired sniper on the run from the government. Look for kick-ass performances from Danny Glover and Ned Beatty (Sorry, Mr. Lurthor). While the story is a little shaky in a few places, it does seem to fall together in the end.

And, boy do I love this ending too. Marky-Mark does some things that might make you question if he’s really a hero or an anti-hero. I was surprised how much I enjoyed this movie. Hollywood should start making R-rated Action movies again. If you can look pass some of its flaws, I’d think you’d enjoy it.

Grade B

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